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Attendance Information

Attendance Clerk

Trisa O'Rilley
(530) 622-3634, ext. 1011 |
Short Term Independent Study

Short Term Independent Study

El Dorado High School is offering a Short-Term Independent Study Program (ISP) for students who miss 5-15 school days of in-person school attendance during the academic year. Please note that Short Term Independent Study is NOT available during the first two weeks or the last two weeks of each semester.
Please complete the form below at least 10 school days in advance of the absence.

Attendance Policy

All notes and phone calls to clear absences must be received within 3 days of the absence or disciplinary action will be taken.

Early Dismissals

If your student needs to be dismissed early from school, please send a NOTE with your student stating their first and last name, grade, date, time and reason.  This note must be signed by the parent or guardian.  Students should come to the attendance office with the note before school, during break or at lunch to obtain a pass to leave.  After obtaining a pass, the student can leave campus at the time shown on the pass.

Due to how busy our staff and teachers are at the end of the day, the last group of passes will be distributed at 3:05pm.

To check out your student in an emergency, please call the attendance office at (530) 622-3634, ext. 1011.  Please use this option only in an emergency.

EL DORADO HIGH SCHOOL IS A CLOSED CAMPUS. STUDENTS MAY NOT LEAVE CAMPUS DURING SCHOOL HOURS WITHOUT A PASS.  If your student does not check out before leaving they will receive one hour of detention – no exceptions.

Late Arrivals

If your student is arriving late to school, they must check in at the attendance office to get a pass to class.   They need a note signed by their parent/guardian that states their first and last name, grade, date and reason they are late. If the student does not bring a note they will be assigned a detention as an unexcused tardy.


If your student gets ill during class time, they must go to the health office.  If needed, the student will be checked out through the health office not the attendance office. If your student contacts you directly, please instruct them to go to the health office.

Attendance Errors

Occasionally students will be marked absent in error. The Attendance Office needs verification from the teacher before the error can be fixed. Please have your student obtain a note or email from the teacher of the class period of error and return/forward to the Attendance Office. If this process is not followed the absence will be marked as a truancy and disciplinary consequence may be assigned. 

Homework Requests

If your student is absent from school, homework should be requested directly from their teacher. You can email your student’s teachers using the teacher’s initial of their first name and their last name or go to the Staff Directory

Final Exams and Testing

During final exams and standardized testing we cannot interrupt classes to deliver passes.  The only way to check your student out of class during this time is to have them bring a note to the attendance office before class starts or during break.  We will issue them with a pass to leave after they have finished testing.

Student Athletes

Student athletes much attend at least 50% of their school day on the day of a game or practice in order to participate.  Athletes are expected to attend all classes and be prompt.  Unexcused absences from classes during the season my result in forfeiture of practice or games.